Do you love what you do? *

Can you explain what you do in a compelling way and position your expertise brilliantly? *

Are you earning what you're worth? *

What is your greatest contribution to others? *

Do you know what energizes you? *

Is your attitude a plus or a minus today? *

Are your priorities keeping you focused today? *

Is your health enabling you to succeed today? *

Does your family situation provide support today? *

Are you thinking for yourself today? *

Have your commitments been kept today or are you on track for keeping your commitments today? *

Have your financial decisions been solid today? *

Has your faith been active today? *

Are your customer relationships being strengthened today? *

Are you adding more in use value than the cash value you receive to others today? *

Are your values giving you direction today? *

Do you know your core values by heart? *

Is your growth making you better today? *

Please enter your first and last name *

What email address should I send your report to? *

What is the best phone number for you? *