How would you rate your ability to clearly describe your ideal client? *

1=low ability | 10=high ability

How do you believe you stand out from your competition? *

1=very little | 10=a lot

How would you rate the effectiveness of your online presence? *

1=non existent | 10=dominating

How would you rate your ability to generate a consistent and predictable number of leads every month? *

1=low ability | 10=high ability

How would you rate your current sales process? *

1=non existent | 10=amazing

How would you rate your ability to stick to a well-mapped content plan? *

1=low ability | 10=high ability

How would you rate your ability to retain clients or secure repeat business? *

1=bad | 10=amazing

How do you feel about the number of referrals you receive each month? *

1=bad | 10=amazing

How confident do you feel that you are reviewing the right marketing metrics each month? *

1=no confidence | 10=exceedingly confident

How confident are you in your overall marketing plan? *

1=no confidence | 10=exceedingly confident

What is your name? *

What email address should I send your report to? *

What's the best phone number to reach you at? *

How many employees do you have? *

What's your annual revenue? *

Which of the following best describes your business? *

I use goal-driven marketing, where I determine goals first and then set a budget to achieve those goals. [e.g., one goal may be to gain X number of followers on social media. Another goal may be to achieve X number of conversions online through your business website] *